Sponsorship Levels

Parade Presenting Sponsor
Parade Title Sponsor Named on ALL Marketing Materials
Name and Quote included in Press Release
Positioned as the Parade Opener with float
Logo included on ALL Marketing Materials
Optional Vendor/Exhibitor Table at Festival
Festival Presenting Sponsor
Festival Title Sponsor Named on ALL Marketing Materials
Name and Quote included in Press Release
Logo Included on ALL Marketing Materials
Large Vendor/Exhibitor Tent at Festival in Prime Location

Catrina Sponsor
Logo included on ALL Marketing Materials
Parade Participant Group
Parade Banner Printed
Parade MC will highlight sponsorship
Optional Vendor/Exhibitor Table at Festival
Calavera Sponsor
Logo included on ALL Marketing Materials
Parade Participant Group
Parade Banner Printed
Parade MC will highlight sponsorship
Altar Sponsor
Printed Name on Marketing Materials
Parade Participant Group
Parade MC will highlight sponsorship